
Echinopsis subdenudata

Name: Echinopsis subdenudata (Easter Lilly Cactus) Notes:  Care Requirements: Keep Dry from Mid-Autumn to Early Spring Size: 7cm Tall Grower: ? Purchased: ? Purchased Date: Around 2016 ID Tag: ??-00-01 More Information:

Opuntia microdasys

Name: Opuntia microdasys (Bunny Ear Cactus) Notes:  Care Requirements: They need well draining soil, bright indicrect sunlight, and water every 2-3 weeks when the soil dries out. Size: 22cm Tall Grower: ? Purchased: Columbia Flower Market Purchased Date: 2023 ID Tag: 23-00-02 More Information:

Opuntia microdasys

Name: Opuntia microdasys (Bunny Ear Cactus) Notes:  Care Requirements: They need well draining soil, bright indicrect sunlight, and water every 2-3 weeks when the soil dries out. Size: 22cm Tall Grower: ? Purchased: Perrywood Garden Centre Purchased Date: 8th August 2024 ID Tag: 24-08-05 More Information:

Pilea peperomioides

Name: Pilea peperomioides (pancake plant / Chinese Money Plant) Notes:  Care Requirements:  Pilea peperomioides plants prefer slightly moist soil but can tolerate drying out slightly between waterings. Water your plant when the top inch of soil feels dry. Be cautious not to overwater, as this can lead to root rot. Allow excess water to drain and […]

Lithops pleiospilos nelli

Name: Lithops pleiospilos nelli Notes:  Care Requirements: They need well draining soil, bright light bordering on bright/indirect, and a sparse amount of water. Size: 2cm high / 8cm Diameter Pot Grower: Perrywood Purchased: Perrywood Garden Centre Purchased Date: 8th August 2024 ID Tag: 24-08-04 More Information:

Haworthia fasciata concolor

Name: Haworthia fasciata concolor Notes:  Care Requirements: Can cope with direct sun or shade, though bright indirect sunlight is best. Needs to be watered only infrequently; allow soil to dry out between watering. Can cope with a weak cactus feed montly or less. Size: 11cm high / 12cm Diameter Pot Grower: Unknown Purchased: Columbia Flower Market Purchased Date: 4th August 2024 […]

Euphorbia trigona

Name: Euphorbia trigona / African Milk Tree Notes: Not actually a cactus as it produces leaves. Care Requirements: Can cope with direct sun or shade, needs to be watered only infrequently; allow soil to dry out between watering. Size: 74cm tall / 18cm Diameter Pot Grower: Unknown Purchased: Claremont Garden Centre Purchased Date: Unknown – 2023 ID Tag: 23-00-01 More Information:

Dracaena Trifasciata

Name: Dracaena Trifasciata / Snake Plant / Mother In Law’s Tongue Notes: A variegated cultivar, possibly ‘Laurentii’. Care Requirements: Can cope with direct sun or shade, needs to be watered only infrequently; allow soil to dry out between watering. Feed monthly April to September. Size: 24cm tall / 12cm Diameter Pot / 8 upright cylindical leaves Grower: Unknown Purchased: Columbia Flower […]

Sansevieria Cylindrica

Name: Sansevieria Cylindrica / Cylindrical Snake Plant Notes: Small amount of browning at top of leaves – seen on pictures. Care Requirements: Can cope with direct sun or shade, needs to be watered only infrequently; allow soil to dry out between watering. Can cope with a weak cactus feed montly or less. Size: 23cm / […]